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CEST Workshop
CEST 2024 presenter guidelines
Send your files as <Last_name>_<first_name>_<short_title>…
Oral Presentation
Create a presentation of 7-8 minutes. Your slot is 10 mins including discussion.
(Keynotes and invited talks have more time, check the time in the program).
We accept ppt and pdf slides (16:9) until 12th of September.
Power Pitch & Traditional Poster
(you always have to prepare both, as you pitch your traditional poster with a power pitch)
Power Pitch (you also need to prepare a traditional poster)
Create a presentation of 2 minutes.
We accept ppt and pdf slides (16:9) until 12th of September.
If your pitch is virtual, we need a video recording of the 2 mnutes pitch.
Poster (you also need to prepare a power pitch)
We will print your traditional poster for you.
Use the following template for poster format (A0) and font size:
Template available here.
And we accept the poster pdf until 12th of September.
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